Baby Hazel Naughty Cat

Baby Hazel Naughty Cat

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We know that you are always up for new and interesting Baby Hazel Games on our website, so of course, we are very happy that right now we are sharing with everyone the game called Baby Hazel Naughty Cat, one of the best cat caring games you are going to find and play here ever, so you should really have no excuses at all not to give it a go, especially since we tell you here that we have also loved playing it a lot. Up next we teach you what you have to do, so why not read this fully before you start playing? Hazel wants to bathe the kitty, who is quite dirty and needs your help in doing so. The cat is quite naughty and does not want to get cleaned up, so you need to follow Hazel's instructions and do things so that you get the cat into the bathtub, you prepare the bath for it, and you should also try to play with it, and do all sorts of other grooming activities and taking care of it. With no doubt at all, you are going to have a great time together, and we hope you don't stop here, but we hope that you stick around and play even more of our great games since this day has been filled with great content only for you!

How to play?

Use the mouse.